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A stethoscope with a heart against it Relationship

What’s the Doctor got to do with it?

Have you ever considered how much influence the relationship with your health care provider has on your health? When selecting a healthcare provider to work with, are there certain things you look for, or standards you have? Or is it…

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Myth: Cleaning products are clean.

Truth: Commonly-used traditional cleaning products contain many harmful ingredients. You might be concerned about the toxins you come into contact with outside of your home, such as cigarette smoke, pollutants from nearby factories or the pesticides in food, but have…

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A glass of red wine on a table with a band in the background

Wine O’Clock

  Most of us have heard the benefits of moderate wine consumption and feel no shame in our nightly glass of wine. It is true that red wine has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and contains beneficial polyphenols and when compared…

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