Healthy Habits for Back to School
It’s back to school time and time to get back into the swing with your health care plans. Let Valley Schools help!
Do as you say, not as what you “want” to do. The good advice you give to your kids on healthy tips is great advice to implement for yourself, too! Living in the corporate world can be tough on your health. Joining the benefits consultants at Valley Schools and our wellness program, WellStyles can get you out of your seat and on the move.
Valley Schools offers comprehensive and affordable group health insurance consulting to schools and municipalities in Arizona. And at no additional cost to our members our wellness program, WellStyles, offers great tips and tricks to keeping healthy habits during your work, or school, day. Let’s take at look:
Choose wellness with well chosen foods.
Skip the juice, go for fresh fruit instead. Fresh fruit is high in fiber keeping your gut moving more regularly, without the added sugar!
Start your day off right.
In addition to healthy eating habits, keep your step count high by doing some morning exercises. Heighten overall health and wellness by getting your kids involved!
Snack Pack Power!
Wellness starts with the right mindset. Pack yourself a protein powerful snack, just as the kids would want. Almond butter and apples anyone? Yes please!
Get moving!
Remember recess? We do! Gather a group of workplace friends and make your own employee wellness challenge. Track your steps, stairs, and stats with some of your closest mates at work.
At Valley Schools, we are committed to excellent group benefits consulting and helping make Arizona a healthier place to live and work with affordable health insurance options that are just right for your employees. We provide school districts and governmental agencies best-in-class benefits consulting, plan administration, wellness, and customized affordable insurance options.
To learn more about the affordable group health care consulting Valley Schools offers and how our employee wellness program, WellStyles can get you on track again, click here to become a member or contact us to coordinate on-site group health insurance benefits available to you at no cost through the WellStylls program.