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Good Food Good Mood - Exploring the relationship between what you eat and how you feel - WellStyles

Good Food, Good Mood

Exploring the relationship between what you eat and how you feel Healthy eating is not just about looking your best, but feeling your best, too. Evidence suggests nutrition may play a key role in improving mood, sustaining energy, and thinking…

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Why multitasking doesn’t work and how to break the habit

The Myth that is Multitasking

Why multitasking doesn’t work and how to break the habit People feel busier and more stressed than ever. In order to feel more productive, we often resort to multitasking to "get things done." But research shows that people who multitask…

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6 Ways to Reduce Everyday Toxins

Everywhere we look, there are warning signs about how our environment – our food, air, water, and soil – is riddled with toxins. Here’s a not-so-fun fact that supports this observation: The average person ingests around 5 grams of plastic…

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Sit Less, Move More - WellStyles - Valley Schools

Sit Less, Move More

4 ways to combat serious health risks by incorporating small, daily movements   When it comes to exercise, it can be difficult to find the motivation, funds, and time to commit. But research suggests increasing overall movement - like mopping…

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