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Two people on top of a mountain helping each other up behavior change

Behavior Change

New Year’s resolutions are built around trying to make a life change, but the popular trend of setting a resolution does not guarantee a readiness to change. The Transtheoretical Model is used to measure an individual’s readiness to act by…

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A beautiful piece of red meat surrounded by rosemary

Myth-Busters About Red Meat

MYTH: Red meat is bad for you. TRUTH: Contrary to the recent media headlines, the meat is healthy and can absolutely be a part of a nutrient-dense, whole-foods diet. Red meat is a rich source of the B vitamins thiamin,…

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A man is enjoying fast food on his lunch break

The Risk of Eating Fast Food

We know eating fast food isn’t a healthy choice, but why then do we get that happy rush when we indulge? Good old dopamine and serotonin, that’s why! When this food is first ingested, these feel-good neurotransmitters are released in…

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A doctor is going over the flu season with a patient

Stay Safe During Flu Season

It’s that time of year again, the days are getting shorter, the weather is cooling off and people are starting to get sick. We work in close quarters, interacting with students and co-workers, and add to that stores and public…

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Caffeine Facts

What is the number one most used drug in the world? The drug that is used by 90% of people every day in many different forms? Whether it is found in coffee, tea, soda, or energy drinks, caffeine is a…

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A female is pouring coffee into a mug because she didn't get enough sleep

Sleeping Over Sickness

Did you know that humans are the only mammals that deprive themselves of sleep? Lack of it has become an accepted part of our everyday experience, but serious health issues are associated with not getting the recommended hours, and an…

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