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A glass of red wine on a table with a band in the background

Wine O’Clock

  Most of us have heard the benefits of moderate wine consumption and feel no shame in our nightly glass of wine. It is true that red wine has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and contains beneficial polyphenols and when compared…

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A woman is running along a road in pursuit of weight loss

Weight Loss 101

With every New Year comes a slew of exercise goals and fad diets. Unfortunately, both the goals and the diets often fall flat due to frustration associated with deprivation and/or a lack of results. Turn over a new leaf in…

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A nurse is taking a patient's blood pressure with the help of valley schools

The Benefits of Partnering with Valley Schools

For more than 30 years, Valley Schools has been the leader in insurance administration, vendor contracting, and consulting services. We provide school districts, governmental agencies, and public sector employees with the absolute best pricing in employee benefits and insurance coverage,…

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Two people on top of a mountain helping each other up behavior change

Behavior Change

New Year’s resolutions are built around trying to make a life change, but the popular trend of setting a resolution does not guarantee a readiness to change. The Transtheoretical Model is used to measure an individual’s readiness to act by…

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A pen and calculator on top of a spreadsheet going over self-funding

Should You Consider Self-Funding?

If you are a public sector employer of 200 or more benefit-eligible employees, self-funding, or self-insuring your medical and pharmacy plan(s) is an essential option to consider. Let’s compare fully insured to self-insured plans: Fully Insured Self-Insured •       Insurance company…

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A stethoscope sitting in front of a pile of healthy fruits and veggies health insurance

Are You in the Right Health Insurance Pool?

For more than 30 years, Valley Schools has served school districts and other governmental agencies in administrative, financial or public service positions, providing our more than 35,000 members with the absolute best pricing in employee benefits and affordable, group health…

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An apple with a measuring tape around it new years

New Years Nuptials – Courting Success

We’re approaching the new years and if you’re anything like the majority of us, you’re teetering on the edge of serving yourself a new years resolution so big that its bound to come with a heaping side of guilt once…

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