The Self-Care Season
The holidays are right around the corner and people are busy making plans with family and shopping for dinner, along with keeping the household running and trying their best to stay healthy. While many believe the holidays are a time of happiness and joy, the pressures of all the planning that goes into them can put a strain on even the healthiest of people. It’s good to put yourself first so that you can take care of others as your most comfortable self.
Well, ‘tis the season of self-care!
Self-care is very important to keep you going at any time of the year, but when the family comes to town, it’s even more necessary to spend much-needed time on yourself.
Here are a few ways to re-center during the holiday hustle and bustle.
Treat Yourself
Give yourself permission to enjoy the things that you don’t normally get to do; whether it’s a massage, going to a movie, or just taking a nap. The holidays are typically focused on giving to your loved ones or those that are less fortunate. And although these are commendable, you will never be your best self unless you do things that bring you joy, first! Ask yourself a series of questions: What can I gain during this holiday season? What do I value most? What will bring me joy? How can I make those things happen? Learn the value of treating yourself to the things that make you happy and remember – they are not out of reach!
Make Time For a Long Walk
The holidays can take a big bite out of your time. Work, kids, pets, and all that goes with it can be draining. However you spend your days regularly, stress can increase when your additional family comes to town and you feel the added pressures by extending yourself. Getting to the gym may be a bit of a task when extra items are added to your plate, and we’re not just talking sweet potatoes. So scope out a walking path or park to walk around ahead of time and incorporate a healthy walk with your family. This will help you cross two things off your list: spending time with family and sharing stories while getting some moderate exercise. It may not be the all-out bust that you complete at the gym, but your family will enjoy the time together and you can get them out in nature. This will boost creativity, increase blood flow, and expand your senses.
Let Go of Expectations
The holidays can definitely set you up for unrealistic expectations. This “magical” time of year where everything is expected to be in its place may make you feel you are not doing enough or cause you to feel pressured by past experiences. Let go of those expectations and step away from the internal struggle. Putting such pressure on yourself isn’t good for your overall well-being anyway. Wherever you are in your life this year, take care of yourself first. Let go of false illusions, celebrate the moment and practice self-love abundantly. You will benefit physically and emotionally from not having the stress of the past on your shoulders, and you can truly practice the season of giving thanks!
Don’t Overdo It!
Many of us take on the stressors of the holidays in droves. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, gifting, or overeating to name a few! To keep the holidays, and yourself, inline this year, don’t overdo it. Learn to say no to the myriad of invites or unhealthy food choices that come your way. Prioritize your schedule by making the choices that are right for you and stand by them. People will understand your position rather than be offended by you not attending their holiday party or social outing. Remember that depleting your energy ultimately doesn’t serve anyone. Friends may even take a page out of your book. Getting a handle on your commitments this holiday season can set you up for stress-free success in self-care.
Valley Schools is here to help you make this holiday season a time of self-care! With our WellStyles™ program, take a step in the right direction in bettering your health and wellness to ensure you’re performing at your best.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you fostering a positive lifestyle change for 2020!