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A woman is sitting in front of her laptop stressed from work

The Fight on Stress

Stress is unique. What creates stress in one person may not be the same for another. Why? How we experience stress is relative to each of our individual backgrounds and beliefs. Stress can be defined as, “physical, mental, or emotional…

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A glass of red wine on a table with a band in the background

Wine O’Clock

  Most of us have heard the benefits of moderate wine consumption and feel no shame in our nightly glass of wine. It is true that red wine has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and contains beneficial polyphenols and when compared…

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A woman is running along a road in pursuit of weight loss

Weight Loss 101

With every New Year comes a slew of exercise goals and fad diets. Unfortunately, both the goals and the diets often fall flat due to frustration associated with deprivation and/or a lack of results. Turn over a new leaf in…

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