Wine O’Clock
Most of us have heard the benefits of moderate wine consumption and feel no shame in our nightly glass of wine. It is true that red wine has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and contains beneficial polyphenols and when compared to other alcoholic beverages, it is one of the better choices. However, even one glass of wine may not be a good idea for everyone – especially those with trouble sleeping.
Alcohol consumption, of any kind, prevents us from entering our REM stage where physiological restoration occurs. Alcohol is a sedative, meaning it can induce sleep and cause us to fall asleep faster, but sleep quality is impaired. The brain requires sleep to flush out toxins built up during the day, and over time, the inability to recover the brain can lead to increased risk of disease. Alcohol fragments sleep causing you to wake multiple times whether you are aware of it or not. Lastly, alcohol before bed also increases the likelihood of sleepwalking, sleep talking and impaired memory.
If you are interested in measuring the effects of alcohol on your body, remove it for 30 days and monitor lifestyle improvements, such as sleep, mood, energy levels, GI discomfort, and aches and pains. After 30 days introduce high-quality wine back in and monitor for any changes. Due to modern-day processes, wine now contains more than 70 additives to increase production and reduce costs increasing the importance of purchasing only organic, high-quality wines. If nothing changes after you introduce alcohol back in, it may not be an issue for you. Since everyone responds differently, a strict removal, reset phase, and reintroduction is the best way to determine how a food or beverage effects your body.
The Valley Schools Wellness Team works hard to keep our members up-to-date on evidence based health and wellness information. You can reach the wellness team at info@wellstyles.org.