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A doctor is holding a stethoscope for medical research

Medical Research: Truth or Myth?

Myth: All medical recommendations are made based on research that is up-to-date, and absent of error. Truth: Healthcare and medical research are flawed due to outside pressure and influence. If you have been following our myth-busters, then you are aware…

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A person looking at a clock in bed Circadian Rhythm

Meet Your Circadian Rhythm

The rotation of the earth results in a 24-hour light and dark cycle. All life on this planet has adapted and/or evolved with the exposure to daylight and darkness for hundreds of millions of years. Many of us know the…

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Myth: Cleaning products are clean.

Truth: Commonly-used traditional cleaning products contain many harmful ingredients. You might be concerned about the toxins you come into contact with outside of your home, such as cigarette smoke, pollutants from nearby factories or the pesticides in food, but have…

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