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paper cuts that read Thankful on the floor gratitude

Cultivate Gratitude This Holiday

Our fast-paced, consumer-driven world of the twenty-first century can often distract us from celebrating the true essence of the humble November holiday; Thanksgiving.  Many of us will take some time to acknowledge what we are grateful for, but how many…

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The Self-Care Season

The holidays are right around the corner and people are busy making plans with family and shopping for dinner, along with keeping the household running and trying their best to stay healthy. While many believe the holidays are a time…

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A person looking at a clock in bed Circadian Rhythm

Meet Your Circadian Rhythm

The rotation of the earth results in a 24-hour light and dark cycle. All life on this planet has adapted and/or evolved with the exposure to daylight and darkness for hundreds of millions of years. Many of us know the…

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A person is on top of a mountain Wellness AtoZ employer

Valley Schools: Wellness AtoZ Employer

Congratulations to Valley Schools and the WellStyles Program! The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation’s initiative, Wellness AtoZ, making Arizona and Greater Phoenix a healthy living destination, has recognized the affordable health insurance consultant Valley Schools and workplace wellness program WellStyles as…

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