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Building a Better YOU in 2020

Each month our WellStyles™ team brings you highlights of our 7 pillars of wellness and tips on how to improve yourself from head to toe, inside and out and on building a better YOU! This month is centered around building…

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cherry on top

Voluntary Benefits: The Cherry on Top

An ice cream sundae just isn’t the same without the shiny cherry, and while medical benefits are employee’s #1 priority, voluntary benefits make the complete options package more appealing.  As your full-service, benefits consultant, Valley Schools is here to help…

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paper cuts that read Thankful on the floor gratitude

Cultivate Gratitude This Holiday

Our fast-paced, consumer-driven world of the twenty-first century can often distract us from celebrating the true essence of the humble November holiday; Thanksgiving.  Many of us will take some time to acknowledge what we are grateful for, but how many…

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The Self-Care Season

The holidays are right around the corner and people are busy making plans with family and shopping for dinner, along with keeping the household running and trying their best to stay healthy. While many believe the holidays are a time…

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A doctor is holding a stethoscope for medical research

Medical Research: Truth or Myth?

Myth: All medical recommendations are made based on research that is up-to-date, and absent of error. Truth: Healthcare and medical research are flawed due to outside pressure and influence. If you have been following our myth-busters, then you are aware…

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