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Digestive Health Facts

Go With Your Gut You might think that your brain is controlling what happens in your gut to keep your body in rhythm, but a community of microbes greatly influences your digestive health. The microbes and nerves in your body…

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Be kind written in chalk

Kindness RX

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. - Maya Angelou Prescribe Kindness for Better Connections With the negativity infiltrating our media sources…

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woman with hand on her belly in the shap of a heart and a flower inside the heart

What Is Your Gut Telling You?

Getting to Know Your Gut To understand the importance of our Gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and how the dynamic environment, including the Microbiome, plays a considerable role in our overall well-being, we have to cover the different components that make up…

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Patient talking to doctor over the computer

The Role of Telemental Services in Healthcare

Technology continues to advance our access to care in the form of telemental services. What Are Telemental Services? Like telemedicine that allows members to access practitioners to remedy acute care situations such as colds, rashes, or minor infections, telemental health…

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Truth or Myth: Chronic Diseases

MYTH: The cause of chronic diseases are either unknown or due to genetics and are beyond our control. TRUTH: The health of the gut plays a significant role in the development of such diseases, and many lifestyle factors can positively…

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