Why Working With a Employee Benefits Consultant is a Must
With a wide array of health plans, benefit options, and employee needs, it almost goes without saying that working with an employee benefits expert is a must. In an era where remote working and risk mitigation is crucial to your operations, Valley Schools has several key reasons why you should work with a trusted employee benefits consultant.
Resolving Compliance Issues
Rules, regulations, and compliance issues are always changing. An experienced employee benefits consultant keeps up with changes on a daily basis to provide expert consultation whenever you need it. This requires in-depth expertise as well as valuable analysis of how benefits will affect employees and employers alike.
Workplace Safety
While working from home has become commonplace, many businesses are reopening their doors for employees. Some considerations for workplace safety include ensuring you have adequate sick leave time, an effective communications strategy, and making sure that your plans and providers are delivering on all contracted expectations relating to COVID 19. Many employee benefit manuals have been updated, but the need for greater clarification still exists. If you are back in the office or plan to be in 2021, you should become familiar with the current protocols for a return to the workplace.
Retaining Top-Talent
For employers, sound benefit packages can help retain and recruit talent. Most employees cite benefit plans as a key factor when deciding whether or not to work for an employer.
Invaluable Expertise
A credible employee benefits consultant works for both your company and your employees. It is a true partnership that allows the employer to reap the benefits of consistent, expert benefits advice, consultative review and analysis of your program, as well as keeping you compliant. Guidance is free of prejudice and tailored for specific needs. Trust them to provide you with invaluable expertise that helps to manage costs while enhancing the lives of your employees.
A True Partnership
At Valley Schools, our goal as your employee benefits consultant is to make certain that you have the very best plans possible for your staff and their families. As a nonprofit group, we deliver expert services at a low, fixed fee that is accessible to all public sector employers. We appreciate the opportunity to play such a critical role in the day to day operations of your organization.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns regarding the benefits you provide to your employees.