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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

We are committed to providing our members with ongoing opportunities to network, learn, stay informed and ahead of the curve.

We are organizing our calendar of events for 2023 and will provide additional information soon!


Get the latest insights from VSMG! We cover innovative and effective ways to support your employees through your benefits package, wellness initiatives, industry updates, and more.

Why Employers MUST offer Identity Theft Insurance - VSMG

Protecting Employees’ Identities: Why Employers MUST offer Identity Theft Insurance

Identity theft happens to millions of Americans each year. The effects of this can be devastating financially and emotionally to anyone who is victimized. The…

Understanding Pet Insurance - VSMG

Benefits of Offering Your Employees Pet Insurance

Not only has pet ownership in the U.S. seen an increase, but also the costs of owning a pet have been on the rise along…

Understanding Healthcare Plans - VSMG

Understanding Healthcare Plans: HMOs, PPOs, and More

Healthcare plans can be complex, especially when it comes to choosing the right option that balances cost, need, and flexibility. For Arizona’s public entities, understanding…


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Are you ready to discuss better ways to support your employees with the right combination of coverage solutions?

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