Tom Boone

Tom Boone is a founding Board Member and the Chairman and CEO of VSMG. He began his lifelong public service career as an auditor of school finance for the State Auditor General’s office. Mr. Boone served for eight years in the Arizona State House of Representatives as Majority Leader and Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. He later brought his skills and determination to a small but rapidly growing school district known as Deer Valley Unified School District. As Assistant Superintendent and CFO from 1981 – 2000, when he retired, Tom helped shepherd the district through all its challenges as it grew to one of the largest districts in the state. While at DVUSD, Tom oversaw all non-instructional aspects of the district, including finance, transportation, food service, construction, human resources, payroll, supply, etc. Tom graduated from Northern Arizona University with his accounting degree and immediately went to work in his chosen field.