abc15: Wellness Resources for Teachers
Virtual Wellness Resources
During this time of uncertainty, schools are receiving wellness resources for their students outside of the classroom, but what about our teachers?
Check out this article on abc15. They dive into the offerings we’ve provided for our members highlighting online workshops, videos, and seminars from Valley Schools and our WellStyles team. One Paradise Valley Unified School District employee and Wellness Champion provides some excellent feedback to our online resources. She focuses on what she likes about utilizing these videos in a remote world. Check it out!
Quick Thinking By our Wellness Team
As we all have to navigate through this new normal, Valley Schools has taken a step in the right direction. We have moved resources online for our members. We believe that health and wellness are important to our education heros and we want to help protect them in stressful times.
Our virtual videos and other resources, including live workshops, are available for our members to strengthen their physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Valley Schools cares about our members! Contact us today to learn and explore our wellness resources that can help keep your employees mentally, emotionally and physically healthy from home or in the classroom.