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The Importance of Offering Mental Health Benefits in Your Employee Benefits Packages - VSMG

The Importance of Offering Mental Health Benefits in Your Employee Benefits Packages

In today’s fast-paced world, taking care of employees’ overall well-being is more important than ever. Organizations striving to maintain a sustainable workplace, especially those in the public sector market, are starting to realize how important mental health benefits are. This blog will dive into why including mental health support in your organization’s benefits package is key to keeping your workplace healthy and productive.

Understanding Employee Benefits: Mental Health


Employee mental health covers their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how they handle stress, interact with others, and make decisions whether that be at work or at home. In the workplace, good mental health can boost job satisfaction, enhancing performance and retention. On the flip side, ignoring mental health issues can negatively impact an organization’s performance.

Impact of Mental Health on Workplace Productivity


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. In the U.S. alone, the American Psychological Association (APA) reports that 60% of employees have experienced negative impacts of work-related stress. This stress can lead to job burnout, a condition recognized by the WHO as an occupational phenomenon.

Employees dealing with mental health issues may experience decreased concentration, fatigue, and a lack of motivation, all of which can significantly impact their work output and quality. When employers provide mental health support, they create an environment of support that can have a positive effect on performance and better social and financial health for the entire organization.

Benefits of Offering Mental Health Support


Integrating mental health support into your employee benefits package goes beyond just boosting productivity. Studies have shown that organizations that offer mental health benefits experience a positive return, including reduced absenteeism, lower turnover rates, and increased employee satisfaction. 

When employers provide this support, the employees who utilize it are more likely to better manage stress, navigate job pressures, and maintain a balanced work-life harmony. This not only enhances individual well-being but also calls for a supportive work culture where employees feel valued. The American Psychological Association showed that by offering mental health benefits, organizations are better able to achieve higher levels of employee engagement and performance, ultimately driving long-term success.

Mental Health Benefits You Can Implement 


Mental health benefits can cover a range of resources and programs designed to support employees’ well-being. 

  1. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): EAPs provide confidential counseling and support services to employees facing personal or work-related challenges, including stress management, relationship issues, and mental health concerns.
  2. Mental Health Awareness Training: Training sessions and workshops aimed at increasing awareness of mental health issues and resources among employees and managers help to promote supportive work environments.
  3. Access to Therapy Services: Many employers offer coverage or subsidies for therapy sessions with licensed psychologists or counselors, either through employee health plans or as a standalone benefit.
  4. Wellness Programs: Programs that promote overall well-being, including mental health, through initiatives such as mindfulness sessions, yoga classes, or fitness memberships are known to reduce stress and improve mental health. 
  5. Financial Assistance for Mental Health Services: Financial support for mental health treatments and services beyond what is covered by insurance.

Steps to Introduce Mental Health Support 


Thinking about newly offering or boosting your employees’ mental health benefits package? Here are the simple steps that can help you to make the right decision for your employees:

  1. Assess Need: Start by surveying employees to gauge interest and understand their mental health support preferences.
  2. Evaluate Providers: Research and compare various mental health service providers. Consider factors like coverage options, accessibility of services, cost, and employee feedback.
  3. Select a Provider: Choose a provider(s) that offers comprehensive mental health benefits tailored to your workforce’s needs, ensuring options for therapy, counseling, and crisis intervention.
  4. Implementation: Be sure to highly communicate your mental health benefit offering to your employees by incorporating it into your benefits enrollment guide, enrollment processes, and HR systems to streamline access and utilization.
  5. Launch Effectively: Introduce mental health benefits during Open Enrollment or as a stand-alone new offering through targeted communication campaigns to maximize knowledge, awareness, participation, and utilization among employees.
  6. Keep It Going: Be sure to remind your employees of mental health resources available to them throughout the year to ensure they have the support they need – when they need it, and that these benefits are utilized and appreciated year-round.

About VSMG


Built by and for Arizona public sector employers, VSMG is a leading employee benefits consultant dedicated exclusively to serving Arizona school districts, municipalities, and other public entities for over 19 years. With offices in Phoenix and Tucson, we are committed to delivering expert advice, best-in-class benefi­ts, forward-thinking strategies, and cost-effective solutions to help our school district clients attract and retain their talent.  Reach out to us today for more information.


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